SWF Fall 2020 Urban Ecology Global Fellow Program

This fall, Sweet Water Foundation (SWF) welcomed an interdisciplinary cohort of five diverse individuals to participate in the inaugural cohort of SWF’s Urban Ecology Global Fellowship. Over the course of 8 weeks, fellows explored the transdisciplinary nature of urban ecology through the SWF’s practice of Regenerative Neighborhood Development via a blend of in-person and virtual programming. 

On Wednesday, December 2, 2020, the cohort presented (via Google Meet) to a unique and dynamic intersection of more than 50 academics, artists, organizers, practitioners, community-based organizations, and foundations with reach across the globe. The presentation marked an important milestone in SWF's trajectory and the growth of its Values-Based Partners network.

Read on to learn more about the cohort and final presentation.

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With valuable lessons from the pilot Global Fellowship program over the summer, SWF safely and successfully delivered a blend of in-person and virtual programming during the fall. Five individuals (4 recent graduates and 1 undergraduate student) from 3 universities (Yale University, University of Illinois at Chicago, and University of Chicago) with very different backgrounds, cultures, knowledge, and skill sets were selected to participate in the inaugural cohort of SWF’s Urban Ecology Global Fellowship. The Fellowship provided hands-on and solution-oriented activities along with an active learning environment that allowed fellows to cultivate a deep understanding of urban ecology through active work, research, and reflection at The Commonwealth.  

During their first few weeks of “disorientation,” the Fellows developed an understanding of SWF, explored the fundamentals of urban ecology, and navigated their roles at The Commonwealth. They were grounded through daily routines and hands-on tasks such as seed saving, harvesting, transplanting, and watering in various spaces at The Commonwealth, including the Thought Barn, Hoop Houses, Meeting House, and Smart Pod. Through daily routines, the Fellows became more in tune with each space and each plant, and developed tacit knowledge that, eventually, became rituals. As a small cohort, Fellows were paired with each other and SWF Mentors which allowed them to obtain knowledge, skills, and perspectives from each other and build stronger relationships across the team + cohort.

After being grounded during the disorientation phase, Fellows reoriented their perspectives and onsite activities through carpentry and design-focused projects. They learned about SWF’s practice of transforming waste to resources as they deconstructed pallets from US Architecture Glass and Metal and used the reclaimed wood to build the full suite of SWF products: sliced benches, aldo leopold benches, interlocking ponies, stacking stools, and fractals. Fellows were paired with a new SWF Mentor on each project which allowed the Fellows to gain exposure to various teaching styles, ways of thinking, and experiences. They also participated in SWF’s first virtual drawing lesson with SWF Mentor and Artist, Rudy Taylor, Jr.

An important aspect of SWF’s Global Fellowship program is to create opportunities for Fellows to participate in projects aligned with their field of interest. In addition to daily routines, each Fellow worked on self-driven projects such as Arduino based sensing and actuation, lesson plan development to support students and educators of all ages interacting with well · ness at The Commonwealth, a guide to “garden-ponics” that highlights the intersections of nutrition, wellness, water, and environmental and social issues, and a microgreen growing experiment.

On December 2, SWF convened a group of more than 50 academics, artists, organizers, practitioners, community-based organizations, and foundations with reach across the globe. Organizations and institutions represented included the James & Grace Lee Boggs Center to Nurture Community Leadership, Cornell University, MIT, Field Museum, MacArthur Foundation, Metropolitan Water Reclamation District, Policy Link, University of Florida, Smart Museum of Art, University of Michigan, Mellon Foundation, Heinz Foundation, ArtPlace America, Coalfield Development, and more.  Fellows shared their stories and journey as Global Fellows and presented their solution-oriented design + build projects at The Commonwealth. The Fall 2020 Urban Ecology Global Fellows Final Presentation marked the first of many global convenings and conversations to come in 2021.

Sweet Water Foundation is grateful for all those who dedicated their time to participate and provide insight and support that were instrumental to the success of the Fall 2020 Global Fellowship.


Artists’ Conversation in Gallery at [Re]Construction House


SWF Global Fellowship Pilot Program Launch | Summer 2020