well·ness at The Commonwealth Resources
well·ness at The Commonwealth is a ‘living’ installation that features an emergent and participatory research opportunity that is engaging a diverse range of global citizens of all walks of life to critically examine the precarity of water and establish a collective accountability framework.
As a living installation, the resources listed on this page and the research opportunities available will continue to evolve.
How to Navigate Resources
well·ness at The Commonwealth resources provide open access to all exhibition materials and an evolving set of resources that seek to promote participatory research, learning explorations, and, most importantly, action that leads to water stewardship and well·ness. Resources are organized into the categories outlined below. We welcome your suggestions for additional resources and look forward to your feedback and participation.
well·ness at The Commonwealth Exhibition Boards | View and/or download the complete set exhibition boards below.
Educator Resources, lesson plans and tools designed specifically for educators.
Resources related to the Four Quadrants of well·ness at The Commonwealth
Quadrant 1 | Water Value, learn more about the value of water and the cost of modern day water usage.
Quadrant 2 | Watershed + Infrastructure Resources, learn more about the Great Lakes watershed and the Constructed Ecology of Absence and its impact on our city’s water infrastructure.
Quadrant 3 | Well, learn more about Iñigo Manglano-Ovalle’s Well projects, pumps, and wells.
Quadrant 4 | Solutions + Future Visions, explore the books that inform Sweet Water Foundation’s practice of Regenerative Neighborhood Development and inspire future visions for solutions to promote well·ness at The Commonwealth.
Exhibition Boards
Access to all well·ness at The Commonwealth exhibition boards is available below. Click the center for full screen viewing.
Educator Resources
In our research and preparation for well·ness at The Commonwealth, we discovered a wealth of educational resources to support learning on topics of water and wellness. This non-exhaustive list provides a starting point for educators, caregivers, and concerned citizens to share information with others.
Presentations, posters, and games to support learning about water footprint created by the water footprint network.
Our Water Crisis Lesson Plans, for grades K-12, are packed with engaging lesson for students.
QUADRANT 1 | Water Value
Below you will find foundational texts, tools, guides, infographics, and links to organizations and websites critically examine the value of water and the implications of modern, everyday water usage. From the values’ manifesto, We The Publics… - to - the Water Footprint Calculator - to - Public Lab’s connected community, the Water Value resources provided below share critical information, guides, and tools informing readers about water conservation, preservation, and equitable access so that we may become part of the solution.
Public Lab is a community and a non-profit, democratizing science to address environmental issues that affect people.
QUADRANT 2 | Watershed + Infrastructure
Dive deeper into materials, maps, and articles about the Great Lakes watershed, water flows, reversal of the Chicago River, and the neighborhood context of water access and quality on Chicago’s South Side.
The Illinois State Water Survey conducts state-of-the-art research and collects, analyzes, archives, and disseminates data and technical information, including detailed water maps.
Learn more about Iñigo Manglano-Ovalle’s Well 41°47'25"N - 87°37'38"W project and the pumps displayed at the well·ness at The Commonwealth exhibit.
ECO185 Pump Details
Sump Pump Details
QUADRANT 4 | Solutions + Future Visions
Sweet Water Foundation’s work and future visions are inspired and informed by the wisdom of elders, Indigenous peoples, and the writings of Boggs, Douglass, Friere, Gorz, Schumacher, and many others. A few of SWF’s Core Texts are shared below with link to FREE PDF version where available.
In the spirit of Sweet Water Foundation’s practice of Turning Wastes to Resources, the well·ness at The Commonwealth exhibit includes Bottle-Ponics demonstration systems to hack the plastic waste generated from water and soda bottles. Detailed illustrations of these systems are provided below.
Solutions for Turning Wastes to Resources
Detailed diagram for a 16oz Bottle-Ponics System
Core Texts of Sweet Water Foundation
The Next American Revolution: Sustainable Activism for the 21st Century | Grace Lee Boggs
Root Shock | Mindy Thompson Fullilove, MD