Cooking Demonstration in Meeting House

This summer, in-person programming was kept to a minimum to maintain the health and safety of the community. In lieu of traditional workshops and events, SWF offered a blend of virtual and in-person programming to stay connected to the SWF community near and far. At the beginning of the growing season, SWF welcomed Ray Glend, a local chef, to record a cooking demonstration in the Meeting House using produce harvested from the Community Farm. Read on to learn about the cooking demonstration in the Meeting House.


Cooking in the Meeting House

In early May, Ray Glend, a local chef and farmer, visited The Commonwealth for the first time. Inspired by the work and practice of Regenerative Neighborhood Development, Ray offered to record a cooking demonstration using produce from the Community Farm and Garden. 

The SWF team transformed the Meeting House into a kitchen and food prep space for Ray’s Cooking Demo and harvested fresh produce from the farm in preparation for the event. Ray discussed the importance of spaces like SWF for community health and sharing wisdom and know-how amongst individuals, families, and across generations. He also shared his experience as a chef - how and why he began cooking and what inspires him. Ray prepared chard and lettuce wraps with mint, basil, tomatoes, and hummus and a salad. The dish was simply, yet elegantly prepared, demonstrating how basic, accessible ingredients can be combined to make a healthy and hearty meal. The SWF team was invited to try the food and enjoyed every bite! 

SWF is grateful to Ray for dedicating the time to deliver this cooking demonstration and looks forward to the next event. Watch the clip below for a glimpse into the cooking demonstration.

Meeting House Activation

In 2019, the SWF team constructed the Meeting House on 5 vacant parcels located on the 5700 south block of Lafayette Avenue, now known as the RND Park. The Meeting House has provided spaces for gathering, celebrating, and remembering for numerous events and convenings at The Commonwealth. In 2020, the Meeting House became a garden center, greenhouse, and art space for SWF’s weekly Seedling Pickups and Farmers’ Markets with social distance protocols and safety measures in place.


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